


The name shall be the SOUTH AFRICAN ASSOCIATION OF HOMES FOR THE AGED, hereinafter referred to as SAAHA and so abbreviated for all practical purposes.


To promote care of older persons in South Africa, in the fields of housing, long term care and community service, by:

2.1 Mentoring, advising and brokering resources for members.

2.2 Distributing and sharing relevant information to members, from time to time.

2.3 Forming relationships with other associations (local, national and

international) pursuing related objectives.

2.4 Representing members on various national bodies and task teams, at national, provincial and governmental levels.

2.5 Lobbying the concerns of members at local, provincial and national level.


3.1 Membership shall be limited to associations which are registered as non-profit organisations and/or public benefit organisations and/or Non-Profit Companies and/or Testamentary Trust and/or such like organisations, including private organisations and companies, which provide housing and/or care and/or community services for older persons in South Africa, as well as individuals who have an interest in the older person’s industry.

3.2 Representation at any general meeting, in person or by proxy, shall be by the authorised senior official of such an organisation.

3.3 Application for membership shall be in writing to the local branch who will supply the details of the member to the National President.

3.4 An association or organisation (as prescribed in 3.1 above), which has been granted membership, shall:

3.4.1 Be registered in the SAAHA Register of Members;

3.4.2 Receive a Certificate of Membership, which only remains valid if membership fees are fully paid.

3.5 Membership shall consist of the following 2 (two) categories:

3.5.1 A FULL MEMBER, being an organisation which complies with the criteria contained in paragraph 3.1 above, which has been approved by the

Executive Committee and which has paid its subscription in full.

3.5.2 An ASSOCIATE MEMBER, which does not satisfy the criteria contained in paragraph 3.1 above, but which, in the opinion of the Executive Committee (on recommendation of the Region / Regional Chairperson) will be of an asset to SAAHA.


4.1 The financial year of SAAHA shall be from 1 April to 31 March.

4.2 The annual subscription fee, for all categories of membership, shall be determined and approved by the Executive Committee of SAAHA.

4.3 Such fee shall become due for payment on the first day of April each year, and shall be payable within THREE (3) months of this date. Failure to pay within this period shall result in forfeiture of membership.

4.4 The fee payable by a member who joins SAAHA during the financial year shall be calculated on a quarterly pro-rata basis.

4.5 Funds will be administered by the President who will establish a separate ledger account for SAAHA. Financial reports to be made on a regular basis.


5.1 Regional Forums shall be established for the purpose of fulfilling the purpose of SAAHA’s aims and objectives.

5.1.1 Each Regional Forum shall meet at least twice yearly (preferably quarterly) at times and dates suitable to the majority of members.

5.2 Each Regional Forum shall elect, out of their numbers a Regional Committee and a Regional Chairperson. Regional Elections shall take place at least every 2 (two) years before 30 June of the year.

5.2.1 The Regional Chairperson, will serve for an initial 2 (two) year term of office, which may be extended for one further term as agreed by majority present at a Regional Forum meeting. The maximum term of office of a Regional Chairperson will be 4 (four) years.

5.2.2 The Immediate Past Regional Chairperson, will serve for a further 2 (two) year term of office, as agreed by majority present at a Regional Forum meeting.

5.2.3 A minimum of 2 other members duly elected by members present at a Regional Forum meeting. The term of office of such elected committee member shall be an initial 2 (two) years, which may be extended for further terms as agreed by majority present at a Regional Forum meeting.

5.2.4 The Regional Chairperson may co-opt members onto the committee from within the ranks of regional member organisations, for specific committees or purposes, to the benefit of the Regional Forum.

5.3 The duly elected Regional Chairperson shall represent the Region as a member of the SAAHA Executive Committee.

5.4 The Regional Committee shall be responsible for:

5.4.1 Providing an interactive forum for members as Regional Meetings;

5.4.2 Accessing various experts in the field to address Regional Meetings on relevant topics;

5.4.3 Promoting networking of members to share challenges and best practice.

5.4.4 Generally, fulfilling the aims and objectives of SAAHA within the Region.


6.1 The General Meeting of SAAHA shall be held every two years within THREE (3) months of the financial year.

6.2 The time and venue for such a meeting shall be determined by the Executive Committee.

6.3 No less than TWENTY-ONE (21) day’s notice in writing shall be given of the General Meeting to all FULL, and ASSOCIATE members.

6.4 Representatives of TWENTY-FIVE (25) percent of FULL members in person or by representation shall, at the General Meeting, form a quorum. If a quorum is not present, the meeting shall be adjourned to the same time on the following day, when the members present, irrespective of their number, shall form a quorum.

6.5 Every FULL member shall have one vote, except for the President, who shall also have a casting vote in the event of an equality of votes.

6.6 Voting shall be by a show of hands unless the meeting resolves the voting on any particular matter shall be by secret ballot.

6.7 The Agenda for a General Meeting shall be as follows:

6.7.1 Welcome

6.7.2 Notice convening the meeting

6.7.3 Apologies

6.7.4 Confirmation of the Minutes of the previous General Meeting

6.7.5 Matters arising from the minutes of the previous meeting

6.7.6 President’s annual and financial reports.

6.7.7 Business for which special notice has been given

7.7.8 General

6.8 Notice of business for which special notice is necessary at a General Meeting shall be given in writing, to the President, at least TWENTY-ONE (21) days before the date of the General Meeting.

6.9 A Special General Meeting may be called at the discretion of the Executive Committee on receipt of a written request signed by not less than TWENTY-

FIVE (25) percent of FULL members in person or by representation. Such a request shall clearly state the objective of the meeting. The quorum for such a Special General Meeting shall be as set out in Clause 6.4.

6.10 FULL members shall be provided with TWENTY-ONE (21) days written notice of such a Special General Meeting, which notice shall clearly specify the matter or matters for discussion.


The Office Bearers of SAAHA shall consist of:

7.1 A President

7.1.1 Who will be elected by the Executive Committee and will serve a 2 (two) year term of office. The Executive Committee may extend the term for a further period of 2 (two) years. The maximum term of office of a President shall be 4 (four) years.

7.1.2 Who will be responsible for the day to day issues, including the treasury and finances, of SAAHA.

7.2 A maximum of two additional members for specific portfolios (e.g. International representation and communication) may be appointed. These appointments will be reviewed on an annual basis.


The Executive Committee shall comprise of:

8.1 The President;

8.2 Immediate Past President (who will serve on the Executive Committee for a further 2 (two) years;

8.3 Regional Chairpersons (who have been duly elected by each Regional Forum and who shall serve for their term of office as Regional Chairperson).


The Executive Committee shall:

9.1 Manage the affairs of the SAAHA in a voluntary capacity.

9.2 Hold a meeting as and when deemed necessary but meet at least once a year.

9.3 Have the power to co-opt any FULL member to either the Executive Committee or any sub-committee.

9.4 Have the power to deal with and/or invest the funds and assets of SAAHA and for this purpose may operate a current account and any investment account(s).

9.5 Appoint signatories for such accounts.

9.6 Have the power, after due enquiry at which the member concerned shall have the right to be heard, to discipline or to request a member to resign, or to suspend or expel a member from SAAHA, without having to assign a reason therefore.

9.7 Have the power to negotiate with government and all other key decision makers on behalf of all members.

9.8 Have the power to nominate any FULL member to any committee or commission, if it is deemed to be in the best interest of members.

9.9 Have the power to affiliate and become involved with associations, organisations and individuals with related or corresponding objectives.


10.1 Only representatives of FULL members shall be eligible for election to a Regional Committee.

10.2 Nominations shall be in writing, on a prescribed form, clearly setting out:

10.2.1 The name and initials of the nominee

10.2.2. The name of the member association which he/she represents

10.2.3 The management position and title of the nominee

10.2.4 The names and initials and signatures of the proposer and seconder, both of whom shall be representatives of full member associations.

10.2.5 The signatures of the nominee accepting his/her nomination.


No alterations or additions to the Constitution shall be made except by a two thirds majority of FULL members present at a General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting called for this purpose, and any motion to be considered at such a meeting, shall be given in writing to the Executive Committee of SAAHA as defined in 8 at least TWENTY-EIGHT (28) days before notice to all FULL members, embodying in such notice the proposed alterations and/or additions.


Should SAAHA dissolve on a motion adopted by at least two thirds of FULL members present, the assets of SAAHA shall be distributed equally amongst all FULL members affiliated at that time.


1ST Amendment: General Meeting of 19 May 2004

2nd Amendment: General Meeting of 16 November 2010

3rd Amendment: General Meeting of 23 May 2018